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How to Make an Obstacle an Opportunity


Want to make a change? It’s just about not wearing rose colored glasses. It’s about creating a plan to change your view and vision.

An Obstacle is something that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.

An Opportunity is circumstance(s) that makes it possible to do something.

Let’s fix it with 5 simple successes:

  1. Write down the problem

  2. How do you look at it as an Obstacle?

  3. What decision will you make as an Obstacle?

  4. How do you look at it as an Opportunity?

  5. What decision will you make as an Opportunity?

Whatever comes before “because” is your obstacle… I want to start my own business but I can’t because… I will fail, not follow through, not stick with it, my family won’t support me…

Here’s an example:

  1. I want to be free from my 9 - 5 job.

  2. I can’t create my own business because I'm not smart enough, I don’t have any skills, I don’t have anything to offer.

  3. I’ll just stay at my current job because I need a paycheck.

  4. Let me research ways to make money, there are plenty of free trainings. Let's research Google. In just a 30 minute window of time per day, I can update my skills, finish researching and start my own business in 6 months.

  5. I will clear my calendar each day for 30 minutes to complete my goal.

Now, as Nike says it, Just Do It!



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